St. Nicholas Church serves as a beacon, carrier and witness to the message of Christ to all persons in the community, through Divine worship and our various ministries.
The parish leadership consists of our priest and 12 elected members of the parish who meet the third Tuesday of each month. Minutes are recorded and reports are given twice yearly at General Assembly meetings held in the spring and fall.
All major decisions including approval of the Annual Budget and substantial expenditures are brought to the parish community at one of these General Assembly meetings for approval.
Contact: Kathy Beasley, President, 772-559-5481
Our Philoptochos (friend of the poor) is a local chapter of the national philanthropic organization that shares in church and community projects aiding the underprivileged. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am in our church hall. Fundraising events support the outreach to local organizations and worldwide areas in need.
Contact: Helen Fiorentinos, President, 772-486-835
AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association) is a national organization whose purpose is to promote and retain the values of Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence. The organization is comprised of men in our congregation who meet monthly and provide support to our community through fellowship, scholarships, and other social activities.
Contact: Homer Zambigadis, 772-215-7514
We invite all who would like to study and learn more about the Word of God.
Bible study is held on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Contact: Fr. John, 772-464-7194
Religious instruction is offered in a condensed format during a one-month period for those adults seeking entry to the Orthodox Church as well as for those seeking to increase their knowledge about the Orthodox faith. Classes are offered several times each year.
Interested persons are encouraged to call the church office and add their name to the list for the next class.
Contact – Fr. John, 772-464-7194
Sunday School meets every Sunday at 11:15 a.m. following Divine Liturgy from September to May.
Contact: Pam Kapsis, Sunday School Director, 772-464-7194
JOY (K-5)
Children gather to learn about their faith and perform arts and crafts. In a relaxed setting, they can develop friendships with other young Orthodox Children while learning about their faith.
Contact: Church Office, 772-464-7194
GOYA (6th – 12th Grade)
Our high school students grow in their faith by focusing on worship, fellowship, and service. This is done by coming together for service projects, retreats, and social activities.
Regular interaction with students from other GOYA’s includes a fall kickoff gathering (September), an annual overnight retreat, a fundraiser for Covenant House (March) the St John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival (April) Junior Olympics (May) and St Stephen’s Summer Camp (June).
Contact: Jennifer Ketchum, 813-220-9437
A week-long summer experience is offered in August and is comprised of camp activities and fun which allows children to grow in Christ. Each half-day session begins with an abbreviated Matins Service. Children then go to class in groups of 8 – 10 in which they learn about our faith from dedicated parent and teen volunteers. The campers spend time in different stations for singing, games, and arts and crafts. Lunch is provided daily. One excursion is planned for the end of camp week.
Contact: Church Office, 772-464-7194
St. Stephen’s Camp is a service of the Metropolis of Atlanta for youth between 6th and 12th grades. Every summer the camp hosts children from churches in the nine southeastern states for one week. The children live a true Orthodox lifestyle with twice daily prayer services, opportunities for reflection, community living and meals, athletics, arts & crafts and nightly social activities.
Contact: Jennifer, 352-215-0124
Each year in March/April our youth participate in a program allowing those in 7th-12th grades to present a personal essay on one of several preselected topics about the Orthodox faith. This program continues with a gathering of all South Florida churches in Ft Pierce for the contestants whose presentations are judged most worthy.
Contact: Nicholas Gieseler, 352-215-0124
Ethnic dancing is taught to our youth. Practice occurs every Sunday following Sunday School from September until the Festival in February.
Contact: Helen Kutukyan, 201-522-9995
YAL (Young Adult League: College Age – 20’s and 30’s)
Our young adults meet socially and welcome new members. Field trips are organized by the members.
Contact: Philip Ellis, 203-317-7417 or Fr. John, 772-464-7194
GREEK SCHOOL (Children & Adults)
Instruction is offered in the Greek language for beginner and intermediate levels.
Contact: Church Office, 772-464-7194
Our annual cultural/social event is held the second weekend in February. All parishioners are encouraged to support this major undertaking by offering time and talent. It is a great opportunity to become better acquainted with other church members.
Contact: Bill Woulas, Festival Chairman, 321-794-2842
Our library is open to all parishioners who wish to learn more about the Orthodox faith. The collection is constantly being updated through the addition of new titles and DVDs. Suggestions and contributions of materials should be directed to Elizabeth Demko.
Contact: Elizabeth Demko, 772-713-0336
Open Sundays during Coffee Hour, reading materials, music and religious items for home worship are available.
Contact: Kathy Beasley, 772-559-5841
Our Greek Deli offers a wide range of Greek food products following the Divine Liturgy every Sunday. Items include Greek cookies, olives, cheeses, olive oil, coffee and many more!
Contact: Betty Cruz to place orders, 772-233-3115
Service Times
Orthros – Sunday 9:00 am
Divine Liturgy – Sunday 10:00 am
Sunday School – Sunday 11:00 am